We might be dating ourselves here, but we have always loved Schoolhouse Rock, for the great stories with meaningful messages that reach people in all walks of life. While those creative, educational geniuses thought three was the number to spotlight, we’re going to take some creative license here and say that five is a pretty magic number for us at SimplyConnect. Five years straight as IABC’s Small Agency of the Year (it’s our version of the Academy Awards!) gives us five reasons for jump for joy:
5. The crazy travel stories—trust us, we always have a good one to share.
4. The constant learning—from Workday to the hottest social media tool, we love getting to constantly stretch our minds and learn how a new tool or technology could help you and your people.
3. Getting the chance to wake up each morning and use crazy creative energy to turn big ideas into reality. Being able to use our gifts and do what we love every single day? That’s a privilege and a celebration we don’t take lightly.
2. Our team. Our savvy, strategic group of rockstars challenge and encourage each other to do our best work and be our best selves, which is why we’re able to deliver the best possible results to our clients.
And, our number one reason to kick up our heels (drum roll, please) is the clients who have trusted us and have contributed to a winning streak that, today and every day, we are immensely proud of.
Thank you to each and every client along this path that has helped us chart this course with trust, passion, and commitment to make their organizations better for their people. To us, you are the real winners.