Sarah Jackson

Puts the Q in quirky, quick, and quality.

Project Management? Check.
Global experience? Check.
HR, soup to nuts?  Check and check. 

Meet Sarah, a consultant who has done the big job, the little job, and everything in between. Sarah’s expertise is based on a 15+ year corporate career where she owned nearly every HR function possible, and her skillset shows it. Throughout her career, she’s honed her technical skills as well as the ones the SimplyConnectors are known for—improving employee engagement and culture while driving more valuable relationships with employees. 

She makes it look like magic…but if you get too close, you’ll realize it smells like sweat. She’s not afraid to roll up her sleeves and work hard to drive the best results. You’ll benefit from Sarah’s ability to see your long-term objective and make consistent progress to get you there. She will apply her sparkle to any topic—system implementations, compensation and benefits changes, talent initiatives—resulting in practical, creative solutions.

When she isn’t whispering abracadabra, Sarah teaches yoga, reads loads of young adult fiction poolside, and fritters away hours on Pinterest projects (with moderate success).